
Showing posts from June, 2020

Joining Advocacy Network Africa-AdNetA's AIDS 2020; Virtual Conference

AIDS 2020 Virtual Conference Planning Meeting Outcomes I hope this finds you well. We need to organise ourselves into a committee of three persons who would then design the best approach to conducting the AIDS 2020; Virtual Conference Event. The committee Members: Wasswa, Sulah and Tom. There is need to have the communications team to provide helping hands as we need to rearrange the venue to suit the event. We anticipate that from 7:00 pm-8:00 pm on 29th June 2020 to 15 th July 2020, we shall set aside time to make presentations which will be recorded and disseminated thereafter.   So, we need to find time to make rehearsals as well as make required preparations. We need to identify the needs; resources and persons to do particular roles. Summary Activities: 1.       Establish the “Refugees Organised Against AIDS (ROAA) space 2.       Draw a schedule 3.       Identify roles, responsibilities and persons to perform the roles 4.       Identify the abstra

Wasswa Chris; Health Navigator of The Year 2020

Health Navigator We use health Promotion and Navigation skills to promote effective involvement by persons and communities in self-care and social care skills promotion. We are participatory prevention practitioners. Carter (2018) in “Navigation delivery models and roles of navigators in primary care: a scoping literature review,”     draws our attention to whom a Navigator is. Fragmentation of the social services systems has led to the need for connectors or advocates. In our case we use a navigator. There are roles and navigation service delivery models in grassroots based service deliver, care provision and agency. This in turn has led to various navigation models and as we continue to serve different population groups we realise we need a better understanding through a description of the roles of navigators and models of navigation at various levels including grassroots. We asked Wasswa Chris, a Social Justice Health Promotion Activist for five years; an End to TB/HIV

AIDS 2020; Virtual, A Meeting Where Key Populations are Welcome

Come be part of us. We could not believe it when we put ourselves through a hard eligibility criteria through which one becomes a delegate of the AIDS Conference. We had to have a person who was well trained in research work. Then, we were mobilised into a cohesive group of key informants with the task of reaching out to others. We did nit just reach out for sake of it! We had to align our work with the vision: refugee integration on local host communities; end to TB/HIV/Malaria by 2030 integrating COVID-19; Elimination of violence against women; adopting UN Observances to continue raising awareness and focus around quality life influences; strategic public health awareness, promotion and advocacy. We had to get down to it! We are so thrilled that refugees can now be part of the AIDS 2020 Conference. The  AIDS 2020: Virtual  conference  is a gathering which will take place online and all the people have a common interest or background in eradicating HIV, TB and Malaria. Th

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Safe-Guarding the Elderly Persons, COVID-19 and Beyond According to the UN Secretary General, “The COVID-19 pandemic is causing untold fear and suffering for older people across the world. Beyond its immediate health impact, the pandemic is putting older people at greater risk of poverty, discrimination and isolation. It is likely to have a particularly devastating impact on older people in developing countries.” According to the Business Insider article, “the coronavirus doesn't infect all patients equally according to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention The study collected data from more than 44,000 confirmed patients in China through February 11, offering one of broadest depictions of how COVID-19 (the disease caused by the virus) operates in humans.” COVID-19 has shown that there is need to establish social skills and life promoting factors that address the physical and mental status of the elderly in communities so that we are more in position to