Judges and legal experts from 22 countries meet for the Sixth Africa Regional Judges Forum to discuss HIV, TB and human rights

Over 30 judges and magistrates from Africa and around the world gathered last week in Johannesburg for the annual Africa Regional Judges Forum to discuss the progress, challenges and latest developments in the human-rights based response to HIV and tuberculosis (TB). “Experience from the last six years – since the launching of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law’s report in July 2012 and the convening of the first Africa Judges Forum – shows us that despite numerous challenges, there have been some extraordinary advances in terms of laws and rights-based jurisprudence in the context of HIV and TB in our part of the world,” said Justice Oagile Key Dingake, in his opening remarks. This was the sixth and largest forum to date, with a total of 54 participants coming from 22 countries,[1] including judges, magistrates and representatives from judicial training institutes. Non-judicial participants included experts from the Center for Reproductive Rights, UNAIDS, the Int...