COVID-19 and How It Impacts My Life: Uganda Queer Short Stories - Desert Island Series

COVID-19 and How It Impacts My Life: Uganda Queer Short Stories - Desert Island Series Yahaya The Desert Island Series are about COVID-19 and daily activities of life among the LGBTIQQ of Uganda. These are radical compositions countering deficit narratives used to justify othering, marginalization, externalisation and peripheralisation. This is an art of crafting, claiming and consolidating space for Queer persons to talk about, demand and recognise how they can promote self-determination and quality life. In the stories we celebrate innovations, executions and translations that culminate into lived realities and destinies. Moderator and Interviewer: Tom Muyunga-Mukasa Featuring: Any person willing to tell a story Synopsis Meet Yahaya who is an Oil exploration engineering graduate from Michigan University, Tunisia and China. Yahaya, has various skills such as u sing sonic equipment, determining the drilling sites most likely to p...