Most At Risk Populations' Society in Uganda ( MARPS in Uganda)

Most At Risk Populations' Society in Uganda (MARPS in Uganda) started off as The Good Samaritan Uganda in 1997, as an orphan support Programme.

Later it morphed into Sexuality, Orientation, Gender, Identity and Health (SOGIAH) Uganda with major activities around visibility activism, training or facilitating leadership workshops and working to improve health of marginalized communities e.g., LGBTIQQ, Sex-workers, People living with HIV, Youths (especially out of school) and Women. 

In/around 2007, the name "Most At Risk Populations' Society" was floated and adopted. Around 2008, we saw it prudent to join hands with Most At Risk Populations' Network (Marps Network) and Most At Risk Populations' Initiative (MARPI). By, 2009 we went separate ways. Our work is around ensuring individuals living with HIV receive the full response toward their needs. 

This is what makes us different from other organizations. Full response to the needs of a person living with HIV. This means optimal ART Adherence. We manage other blogs and hopefully you will get time to go through them too.

The links:
1. Newsletter

2. Tom and HIV Safari:

3. HIV Law and Gender Expansive Issues in Africa: 

4. LGBT, HIV and Law in Uganda: 

Our Tax Registration Number: MOST AT RISK POPULATIONS' SOCIETY IN UGANDA, 134037

Our Tax Identification Number: MOST AT RISK POPULATIONS' SOCIETY IN UGANDA, 1001179749, 

Contact Address
The Chief Editor,
Nnabweeru Road
Kawempe  Division
Kampala Capital City Authority
Phone Number
Email Address


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