Partnerships Build Better Resilience Against COVID-19

We are a member organisation under Advocacy Network Africa-AdNetA.
We participated in the recent MIT -COVID-19 CHALLENGE- Africa Takes On COVID-19.
We were a team of many other organisations in this challenge.
Ours was called: COVID-19 Loser Africa Campaign.
We are so thankful to all who made it successful.

Togetherness means power in social justice health promotion.
We are various CBOs whose models are as follows:
1. Family Based Therapy Model
2. Rescue, rehabilitation and nurturing
3. Rescue, rehabilitation, skills development, translations of skills into self-determination  and community -based civic-duty engagement

The excitement behind the scenes is palpable when we are prepping, practicing and going over the nitty-gritty details of preparing a marathon, rather a hackathon as a team.

We deliberately mine our brains, books of reference and various models to come up with a tailor made operational model.
Health promotion is our task.
There are 10 difficulties that were analysed from all the analyses done as far as marginalised population groups are concerned.

1. The lack of life span view of one's self
2. Indifference and a lack of solidarity which affects teamwork
3. Lack of Strategic planning skills mainstreaming health
4. Lack of reporting and feedback skills
5. No clear definitions around health goals
6. Lack of self direction which in turn affects intrinsic agency
7. Need for logistical support to support the different activities
8. Need for information, education and communication support
9. Need to link strategy, impact and goals
10. Need to acquire critical thinking skills and use them

Please follow our work


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