Review Meetings Are Important For Organisation Strength

Importance of Review Meetings:
These review meetings are so important to The Nature Network Group because they are part of her mission. 
We are a Family Based Therapy Model and these review meetings are part of the execution of that model. We can meet physically or virtually.  
When we cannot meet physically, we can use the opportunity to read the minutes or reports via Google docs, through WhatsApp groups or text messages. The idea is to promote continuity, innovation and resilience.
It continues to be the avenue to refocus our energies and remind ourselves of the tasks to self and community.
These review meetings are the backbone to uplifting conduct and setting the pace for mutual growth and development.
It is at these meetings that we look at progress and measure it.
We are proud about our meetings and nothing can stop us from reporting or showing up for them.
We own our space and we are committed to making it work.


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